One of my favourite times of the year for dogging, you can find me out almost every week with the darker evenings.
It may be cold outside, but it is oh so warm inside 😉
Check out the new photos and videos in my members area.
One of my favourite times of the year for dogging, you can find me out almost every week with the darker evenings.
It may be cold outside, but it is oh so warm inside 😉
Check out the new photos and videos in my members area.
My Dogging Tour kicks off on Thursday Night!
weekend is set to be a scorcher so going to be perfect for some alfresco fun in the sun!!
Meeting my member from 11am till Midnight Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
Full details and locations can be found in my members area, my direct mobile number will be available on my website from Thursday, So text me for a meet and come and unload in my mouth or pussy!
Come and meet me out dogging during the daytime or evening, you know you want to!!
3 whole days of meets from 11am till Midnight every single day
Drop me an email with your details or just drop me a text on the day, all the locations and my travelling route together with my mobile number to text is displayed in the members area of my website.
July Dogging Meets 11am till Midnight email or text for a meet – My mobile number is in the members area of my website.
I can visit your Home, Workplace, Outside location, Country Park, Woods, any place you would like to meet during the day or evening – 11am till Midnight.
My next tour dates are posted, out and about all round the UK meeting up with my members for fun!!!
View my personal mobile number in the members area and text me for a meet!
Check out this weeks updates in my members area and the start of the 4K Videos!!!
Tons more weekly updates on the way!
My Northern UK Tour is starting in the next couple of days!! Maybe i will see you on the road for some hot and horny fun! Message me for details and special join deals.
You can join my website by card, bank transfer or paypal.
Rachel xx
The next dogging tour covering Central, Midlands, North East, Wales, Shropshire, Peak District, Breacon Beacons.
Full list of locations, dates, overnight stops and route in my members area.
See you on the road!
Rachel xx
The Next 4 tours
All dates, locations, overnight stops and hotels on my website
Why are guy’s such hard work when it comes to arranging a meet. Let’s think about this for a few seconds, I am on tour driving around the UK and quite obviously I do not know the area and I do not know any locations to arrange a meet, I am driving into a new area with nothing planned or arranged looking for potential dogging member meets.
So, I contact members who have requested to meet me, and I get replies like this…
“Love to meet babe, what’s the location?”
“Love to meet anyplace you are getting gangbanged”
“Yes, sure let’s meet in Coventry”
Can guys not grasp the fact that I am on tour driving through places I don’t know, and I need an exact location from them! It’s not up to me to come up with a suitable location. Plus, if they live local then they must know the area and know of somewhere suitable to meet.
It is no good at all just saying let’s meet in this city and giving me a city name! I need an exact location and postcode, even if it is your home or workplace.
Why is it such hard work!
And don’t even get me started on the number of guys that keep messaging saying, “do you ever visit here” FFS!!! I visit the WHOLE of the UK every single year, how many times do I have to repeat this.